Thanksgiving Food Drive a Success

canned foodsNoble Gas Solutions teamed up with the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York for the month of November for a Thanksgiving Food Drive.

For the past few weeks, our Noble Team has slowly been filling up boxes worth of nonperishable foods and much needed toiletry items for the food bank to distribute to the local community. It was wonderful to see the donation pile continuously stack up week after week.

Food Drive Collections

Our Noble Team readily participated by adding a couple of extra items onto their weekly grocery trips. We were able to donate more than 50 canned and boxed foods, we lost count after the second week! Among those food items were pastas, soups, vegetables, and fruits. We had employees also donate pasta sauce, peanut butter and jelly, and cereals.

When we teamed up with the Regional Food Bank, we requested a list of much needed food and toiletry items. Among those items were baby food, laundry detergent, showering products, and toiletries. We donated over 20 baby food jars, along with several cleaning products and hygienic items.

Our CEO, Dave Mahoney, donated $200 himself towards the drive so all could enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday. Every person deserves a warm meal on Thanksgiving, and we were hoping to help provide just that. Overall, the food drive was a success and we would like to thank all who participated! We are proud to have such a dedicated and caring team who continuously go above and beyond to help others. We encourage everyone to find out who you can help your local community this holiday season.

Just because the food drive is over, does not mean we’ve stopped giving back to the local community! For this December holiday season Noble Gas Solutions is adopting a 5-person family through St. Catherine’s Center for Children. The Adopt-a-Family program has become a yearly success and our team always enjoys giving back to those in need.